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1. Another Fantastic Week in R-V-B! - in Warfare & Tactics [original thread]
Originally by: Aeros Windsorn Wow... I guess RvB really did change when plave left. I loved the third parties, blues shipping up and reds shipping up, getting completely hammered and still having fun. Sounds like some of these guys think r...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.03.22 04:43:00
2. Growing my Money - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
*Disappointed in title -- hoping for talks about literally "growing" money o_O So, I got 0.17 ISK, can I help?
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.03.06 18:24:00
3. Swiftgaze's Portrait - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
dreamy enough that I'm only using one hand to type this right now
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.03.04 17:34:00
4. The Death Penalty Has to Go - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Samantha Spacepilot All the death penalty does is force me to visit Jita and I have to put up with all the wannabe Bernie Madoff punting their oh so original scams. This gives everyone a chance to shoot you. Ori...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.25 21:04:00
5. Most FUN way to make money? - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Infiltrating a, or starting your own, corp then stealing everything they have and kicking/disbanding everyone involved after their total amount of stuff reaches a juicy amount.
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.19 18:12:00
6. Forgive me Eve, for I have sinned! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Meredith Midnight I actually liked the space battles of star trek online. (Ground combat's meh). Nothing better than flying a Defiant and taking down BS sized ships with it. If you could do that with the agent missions in ...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.19 02:26:00
7. Question about bio massing a character - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Catherine Frasier Originally by: WorthlessAlt Slot2 Oye, Brainiac! Not that I'm angry, but, while we're into exposing everyone's faults, commas are always placed INSIDE quotation marks! I hate it when people act li...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.08 18:51:00
8. Question about bio massing a character - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: WorthlessAlt Slot2 on 08/02/2010 18:14:34 Originally by: Jade Kitana Originally by: Kirra Liu You get mad pretty easily don't you. He said he did it many years ago and although it maybe could have been worded better...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.08 18:12:00
9. the irony that is eve - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I have substituted trust for hate both in RL and EVE. I now hate everyone equally :P
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.05 14:56:00
10. Self sustainable with high sec mining? - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Back in the day, with all lvl 5 Hulk pilot and all lvl 4 Orca in fleet, I was able to net around a billion a month with 10-20 hrs per week of online time. I did it by also having all lvl 5 manuf skills and built BS's at a rate of about one every ...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.02.04 19:56:00
11. newbie moved to 0.0 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: THE AWAREN3SS stay in empire we have enuf noobies in nulsec :) Awesome, pompous, and serious l33t speak if I ever saw it. What's a matter sweetie, can you show us on the dolly where the mean noobie hurt you? Were th...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.01.27 22:37:00
12. Increasing loss of intrest. - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Magnus Orin 58 000 + players online at the same time. Yup, Eve is dying. Uggg, I'm sorry but this stupid PCU is only useful for gloating and all the advertising executives. Everyone always (at least in the back of...
- by WorthlessAlt Slot2 - at 2010.01.25 23:32:00
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